"To fully understand a culture, one must be immersed in it"

This blog is about a girl who lived her whole life in America and though she has visited other countries before, she has never lived amongst people with differing customs than her own. This lack of personal knowledge annoyed the girl and she decided to embark on a twenty-two week long journey to Europe, where for seventeen weeks she will be living amongst the Dutch in Amsterdam adapting to their cultural ways. This blog serves as her journal whilst away capturing every moment of shock and growth.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

136 Anni dell'imigrazione Italiana em Santa Tereza

Julia and I were hanging out at her friend's apartment after one of Brazil's games and after awhile of doing nothing her friend said that we should go to Santa Tereza, a town north of where we were, for a festival celebrating the Italian migration to Santa Tereza. Since we were doing nothing that weekend we decided to go to Santa Tereza and spend the weekend at her friend's cousin's dorm room. That night we ended up going to a street where everyone just hangs around and drinks, there we met some people and ended up spending the rest of the night hanging out with them. We walked around the center of town, where a half naked stranger told me I was "Delicious", if I could be witty in Portuguese I would have totally questioned his comment. Then we decided to go up the mountain to a concert the town was having in celebration of the festival, there we ate, danced (kind of learned how to dance in my case, key work kind of), and slowly froze. The night was interesting to say the least, apparently Brazilian men have a saying when it comes to women "never give up", so that means when I say "no" the guys persist until I end up having to run away. But other than that the night was pretty fun, Gardel (my cousin's friend) taught me how to dance to Brazilian country music, which is so much worse than our country music (which I really really dislike). When we finally left the concert and went back to the room, there were 5 people sleeping on the floor and there was no way we could open up our mattresses and sleep in the room so instead we went to another room and asked to sleep there. The next morning was the day of the parade so we all woke up pretty early, went to get breakfast then to the parade at the center of town. There we found an overwhelming amount of people on the sidewalks, most of which were hammered beyond belief and a ton of free wine, bread, and polenta. This Italian festival is also known as the wine festival because they give out a lot of free wine and everyone gets really drunk, but unfortunately I hate wine and they weren't giving out free beer so I didn't drink much. After the parade ended we all went to get lunch and ended up sitting outside a bar and talking for hours and when we finally left it was time to go to the concert, every day of the festival they had a concert. This time we decided to walk up the mountain and when we were about 20 meters from the entrance it started raining and the concert was in a tent so when we finally got inside the music hadn't started yet and everyone was sitting around in the food tent and we had to fight to get seats. But I'm use to riding the metro so finding/stealing seats comes easy to me..lol Anyway the rest of the night we spent drinking, dancing and eating until Gardel, who had been drinking the whole day, started getting dizzy. Then we just went back to the house and fell asleep all four of us on the same mattress....

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