"To fully understand a culture, one must be immersed in it"

This blog is about a girl who lived her whole life in America and though she has visited other countries before, she has never lived amongst people with differing customs than her own. This lack of personal knowledge annoyed the girl and she decided to embark on a twenty-two week long journey to Europe, where for seventeen weeks she will be living amongst the Dutch in Amsterdam adapting to their cultural ways. This blog serves as her journal whilst away capturing every moment of shock and growth.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Leaving Rio and arriving in Vitoria

The morning of the first Brazil game in The World Cup was the same day Julia and I were leaving Rio for Vitoria. We were actually leaving Rio two hours before the game started so if there were any delays we could have missed the game, which would have been terrible. The whole country stops when Brazil plays in The World Cup, malls close, restaurants close and the only thing that remains open and operating is the hospital, the courts (sort of), public transportation (sort of), and bars. So when we arrived at the airport our flight was delayed for 30 minutes and everyone was freaking out because they thought they might miss the game. The plane was full of anxious people wearing yellow and green hoping to arrive in time to see the line-up of players. Finally we arrived in Vitoria to an empty airport at 3:05, 25 minutes to the start of the game. Julia and I were really excited, we thought we could actually make it home in time to see the game but once we got in the car and left the parking lot we quickly realized we would not make it in time for the beginning of the game. Like I had said before the country stops when Brazil plays in The World Cup so everyone leaves their job about 30 minutes before the game starts so the traffic is unbearable, at that point we only hoped we could see the end of the game. Luckily we arrived in time for the end of the first period and we got to see the rest of the game with our family, all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents were there (from my mom's side). Brazil won all the games until they played against Holland and lost, the whole country was devastated people cried, yelled, and even started throwing fits.

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